i thought that my final report stated pretty much all of what i wanted to state. but as always we gotta have more more more posts. it has been fun,
but i think that once i get out of albuquerque and get to taos i wont really care too much anymore about who thinks what. my whole mission here is to establish good contacts with people and learn more if i can,,but i will continue to defend the system of SD against those who harshly
judge. it is amazing to me for what are these sifus and teachers teaching thier students? to be dickheads? or to be so arrogant and stuck up that they cant respect something for what it is and leave it at that? My god what are these guys teaching thier kids/students? Well i for one am not going to impart this superior behavior on to my students,,i will teach them how they need to be taught,,,and that is to survive,,cultivate thier energy,,control thier emotions and to above all,,RESPECT AND BE HUMBLE.
ill be in the internal sections of the forums from now on(its a better place in there)sometimes
many respects, willow sword

Whatever you think i am or want me to be,,, i am.