2 months ago my wife was indecently assaulted (touched up through her clothes - not raped or anything like that thank god) by a 14 year old boy at 3pm in the afternoon in the entrance to our garage (a few streets away). She got home in a terrified state and told me and I went to find him. He was riding his bike in the same street. Infuriated I got hold of him and suddenly realised I was unable to strike him - whatever my anger, I'm not an animal that batters obviously disturbed children. I got someone to phone the police, someone recognised the boy and told his parents. Next thing I know I and my wife are undersiege in someones home by 10 screaming adults whilst waiting for the police. Eventually they arrive and escort my wife to the station to give a statement - I elect to follow on in my car after I arrange baby-sitting.

Upon arrival at the station, I was confronted by 6 people. They surrounded me and were very threatening. My training kicked in (thank God), and although I felt frightened I was able to maintain control and keep my head. When one of them went with both hands for my throat I evaded and moved to keep them to one side of me - the boys mother then tried to kick me in the nuts, again I evaded and kept my escape route open. At this point they backed off a bit as my behaviour was not following the model they expected. I knew that I could kill or injure them (4 men, 2 women) but again I found myself unable to do it. These people somehow knew where I lived and were threatening to burn my home down, hurt my kids etc. Yet still I didn't act - I wasn't paralysed by fear - I didn't really feel threatened by them.

Finally the police came outside and told me to leave - they would bring my wife home later.

My training probably saved me from a beating or a long prison sentence - incoming attacks did not cause me to lose control and I managed to stay in command of the situation. If I had lost it I have no doubt that I would be facing charges now OR I'd be in hospital.

However, it is one of the hardest things to reconcile with my ego and machismo. In my role as protector to my wife and children I feel that I should have battered the kid and his family, consequences be ****ed. My instructor asks me where the honour is in beating those that cannot protect themselves properly - I know what he means but there's that voice inside me that says 'coward'. I know what I felt and I know I made rational choices at the time.

2 months on I don't feel any better about it - part of me knows that I did the 'right' thing, part of me knows that I should have hurt them. I stood by as they threatened my home (not me personally for some reason) and called my wife various names.

On the 6th November we have to go through a court appearance - exposing ourselves to these scumbags yet again and facing their jobes,insults and threats.

Do I think it was worth it? Nope. I have my integrity and I behaved in a manner behoving a martial artist - but I also feel like I bent over and spread my cheeks.

Opinions appreciated

"If ignorance is bliss, why aren't more people happy?"