A lot of Chinese styles, especially internal ones, practice strikes very slowly with focus on intent and breathing (taiji for example). For whatever reason this is done, (to get the motion down perfectly, to develop qi, etc.) later on the motion is sped up and can become very powerful when used as a strike (for whatever reason... because the strike is filled with qi, because the biomechanical aspects are ingrained in the nervous system, whatever you want to call it).

Would it be feasible to do this with western boxing strikes? I mean, the fist is closed, so it's probably harder to use qi (if you want to be traditional about it) than it would be through an open palm, but what about practicing, say, a jab, very slowly, keeping in mind all the aspects of the slow martial movements done in taiji, coordinated with the breathing, etc.

Would there be any benefit to such training? Or for western boxing is one just better banging away on heavy bags or slabs of beef? If the latter is true, why don't taiji practicioners bang away on heavy bags?
