
Please forgive me if I am about to ask a silly question. i have only practised Taijiquan in my current style and practised daily for about 7 months. I used to do a differnet style before and sporadically practised it.

It seems that lately, while I am practising, (I am concentrating on my hands, the fluidity, being relaxed etc.,) I have noticed a sensation as if my finger is almost slicing through the air. ( It seems to leave a similar trace to that as if I were to do it in water)
Another sensation of it almost not being me who is controlling the movement arises at times.
This seems strange, as when I train most qigong, I statically hold a pose so this has never arisen before.

Is this a normal by product of taiji, or am I not concentrating on what I should be doing and allowing myself to be distracted by sensations? I see my taiji shifu on odd occasions, and he doesn't speak English, so it is hard for me to ask him.
