Ok, that real fight thread got me yapping about my buddy Vance back in the day ( roughly 6th grade to 9th grade).

So I thought I would just start my own thread because Vance got in quite a few fights with no HtH training and I never saw him loose!

I remember back when I was in 7th grade this guy Jason, who just happened to be as old as Vance (Vance was about 2 years older then me I think) decided for some reason he wanted to kick my a$$. I am not sure why I never ran into him, I was just walking home from school one day when this guy threatened to kck my butt, so I did what any sensible 6th grader would do, I ran like hell!!!

Anyway I told Vance about it and he basically tells me not to worry, that if I had to I could probably take him. Being a scrapper like Vance obviously skews your view of the world a little.

Anyway, we are walking one day and down the road I spot this guy Jason who wants me dead. I mention this to Vance and he says not to worry about it. As Jason gets closer Vance yells out to him explaining to him that I am his freind and if Jason touches me he will kick his a$$.
Jason kind of laughs, says he doesn't know me (He doesn't but that didn't stop him from threatening me anyway) and pretty much blows it all off. So Jason is riding by, not very fast and he has this bike chain wrapped crossways around his body, like you would wear a bandolier. Anyway Vance reaches out as he rides by and grabs the back of the chain and yanks Jason off the bike and throws him to the ground and clocks him one. Tells him he better leave me alone and we keep walking....