It would not be necessary to assume anything if you were more forthright. You say you'll fight if challenged, TWS challenges. You mouth off about what you'll do, TWS proceeds to set things up. You say you've not been formally challenged, TWS give a formal, if online, challenge. You say a challenge can only be made in person, TWS attempts to find a person that's not given his true name. TWS (and I) point out the inconsistencies in what you say, and you say we just don't understand.
While it's true that an idiot probably never KNOWS he's an idiot, I'd venture to say that you look more like someone dodging a challenge then I look like an idiot. I believe you don't want to give your actual name either: 1. Because you don't intend to follow through on this or
2. Because you intend to have someone else fight FOR you. Or, the one I could respect,
3. You don't want to give a real name to avoid internet psychos coming for your family and/or revenge. This final problem could easily be overcome, just give your name to JWT and let him serve as the go-between he's volunteered to be.
Why not quit being so evasive and just set this thing up reemul? Just come ready to fight to whereever you and TWS agree, you'll get there with a friend. TWS will have one as well. JWT acts as an impartial judge and awards cookies to whomever he thinks fought best. In a perfect world, you two develop respect for each other as individuals and become friends. (Hey, if I'm gonna dream, why not dream big?)

"That government is best which governs least." -- HENRY DAVID THOREAU