Hi All.

Just a quick question.

I always hear the terms Kempo thrown around, but not sure what the actual difference is between this and Chuan Fa.

BOTH Kempo and Chuan Fa use the same Chinese characters (Fist method or Fist law).
One(Kempo/Kenpo) is simply the Japanese method of pronounciation of the idiom.

I know that the Okinawan (RyuKyu) arts are either heavily influenced or were directly imported from China as were many other things.
Hence I can understand the difference in naming due to location.
Pls, note that Okinawan is a language that doesn't share much with japanese.

Now how does this relate to American Kempo (all styles), now shouldn't a new American chinese based style also be called "American Chuan Fa" than?

Or preferably they should drop both the Kempo & Chuan Fa label.

So how would a kempo style differ from a chuan fa style, both share the same origins way back when.

Or has the Kempo label been wrongly given to what bassically is a CMA?

Just confused.