The term 'aternate states' gets thrown around sometimes when we're talking about qiqong and meditation, and I just wanted to say that I think the term is both inadequate and misleading, and shows a misunderstanding of what qiqong is about.

This psychological area/subject within qiqong is controversial, so i do enjoy taking it on, sure. But lets just get it straight:

'Alternate states' refers [to me] as a temporary thing, and wholly mental/spiritual, a kind of Union with the infinite, esp. within meditation, and its available to anyone of any religious tradition, so there shouldn't be any problems with it. Its transcendental and appropriate to mionks and such. Sometimes ppl blow that up into regions it doesn't belong in, IMO.

What I get from/go after in qiqong is more something that I'd term 'heightened awareness' and transformation- going from one state- bodily- to another on a permanent basis, if i can achieve that. Iron palm is only one example of that, as is health and poise, combat effectiveness.

Anyhow, just a private complaint.