Dear Kung Fu Online Roundtable,

Greetings (Hi Heming!). My name is Adam and a student of Shaolin Kung Fu. My Masters are Shi Xing Hao and Shi De Shan, both descendants of the Shaolin Temple in China. My masters have a temple here in Houston Texas USA were we train and train hard. I have read the 4 pages of the topic "Shaolin greetings". It first seemed that everyone met and was exchanging good views about Shaolin Kung Fu. Then it turned into "mouth boxing". I do not plan to enter a mouth boxing match with anyone, but if it is to defend the name of Shaolin so be it. To help clear up some bad mis-conceptions of Shaoling Kung Fu that we (westeners & Americans)have please keep reading:

First of all, many of us towards the west watch way too much TV. All the Kung Fu movies, shows etc, are pure none sense. It's just plain entertainment. It is through sitting down watching countless hours of TV is how the majority of the people mold their views and opinions without doing their own research.

Secondly, many focus their attention on the physical side of Kung Fu and martial arts. Shaolin Kung Fu trains the body, but also trains the mind mentally and spiritually.
It is through this process that some receive enlightenment.

I have read the attacks against my friend Heming from the Shaolin Temple. What we all miss is that we can actually learn from Heming being that he is a disciple and is training at Shaolin right now. I can't think of a better source to learn and share ideas than from him. After I read the postings it is clear and evident that many westerners and Americans know very little about Shaolin Kung Fu.

Currently there are only 5 monks from Shaolin here in the United States that promote Shaolin Kung Fu. Shi Guolin, Shi Yan Ming, and Shi Yan Chang are in New York. My masters Shi Xing Hao and Shi De Shan are here in Texas. To help clear up some mis understanding about Heming, his Master trained mine and know of each other. Please, I hope this clears up the mis-understandings. We should put aside the attitudes, train hard and help one another. Thank you for your time. Amituofo.

PS: Please come by and visit the Houston Shaolin Temple and meet the masters if your close!!!!