
Is it a lack of respect for me? Or is it just being a bonehead? Or is there more to it than lack of respect? They appear to respect each other enough to not go there. It's just unnerving that they do it to me exclusively, not each other.
I imagine it's less a lack of respect and more a lack of awareness. As guys, we know getting kicked in the jumblies hurts (though it's not always incapacitating). But we have no such knowledge of the experience of being women. So we assume that 'no jumblies = no pain = game on.'

To clarify, I don't assume that personally. I can't really imagine kicking a women in the groin deliberately. But if they are opting to do so, that's my guess at their reasoning.

If it really bothers you, though, ask. Ask someone there you trust. "What gives? Why me?" When they say, "you don't have any jumblies", you say, "Have you ever asked me whether that makes the difference?"

Stuart B.