hey guys, haven't posted here in a while, which is good news all the way, but I have a small problem I think. I've been doing the same non-weight training as always, getting really sweet results, I'm slim and muscled atm. But the abs show a little problem. When I tense them up, I can see the top 'bumps' are very well defined, the row beneath it a little less, and then I have a .. little belly ? I'm not talking about a belly belly, it's as flat as possible, but I don't see any abs showing through, and when I look in the mirror sideview, it kinda shows the belly .. it's hard to explain, I really DO NOT have a beer belly or something, I think it's impossible to have a flatter belly, but I think it's the lack of muscle that makes it kinda 'bump' out a little more then the upper rows.. plus as I said I don't see any muscles in that third row (the bottom row).. How can I target that area intensively ?