I am looking into joining a grappling school here and I'm stuck between submission wrestling and bjj. There are two good bjj schools here and the submission wrestling is taught at a kung fu school. The guy was taught by Gene Lebelle or one of his students not sure. He does come in from time to time for a visit. Now I have a couple of questions. Doesn't bjj favor position over anything else and submission wrestling the opposite(going for a sub as soon as possible)? In a tournament IMO I think bjj would do better because of the focus on positioning but what about in a self defense situation? I'm confused because I think the bjj player can just as quickly get into position and get a sub out of someone as a submission wrestler in a street confrontation. Is there really a big difference between the two in executing submissions technically and time wise? Also I would like to hear your own opinions on which you would choose and why. Thanks for any response.

Oh one more thing, we're gonna kick Dukes as* :p