You know, I wouldn't waste my time with it. Caffine mixed with Mahuang is Vascio constrictive. This means the blood gets choked off to a certian point and has difficulty supplying your muscles with nutrients, thus lowering physical performance. I know you "Feel" stronger, but over time it does weaken you. This is where the heart faliure comes from. as the doesage increases, the ability for th blood to cirulate gets lower and lower due to the veins constricting. but at the same time, the heart is juiced up form the nervious system stimulus. This makes the job of pumping blood very difficult. At extreame doses like those found in hydroxi cut and other stacked products, it becomes deadly, especially to those with an unknown heart problem. Seriously, the exttra bit of rip you get from it is not worth it. Do another 40 minutes of cardio instead. it's the same thing, and you get more endurance from it. Mahuang is NOT for weight loss. That is a *******ised use for it.

A really low dose of only Mahuang, so it barely perks you up, is what you want for athletic performance. At this level, you get a slight adrenal boost, and vascodialation (Improved circulation) in the lungs which improves breathing capacity, and thereby a boost endurance. You want it form a fully natural source so you get the whole herb, not just whatever constituant the company "Feels" is the active ingredient.

Trust me, people are dieing form the herbal stack thing. It shold be banned. The traditional use however has never harmed anyone, and should be allowed.