YES KUNGFUKID, i am an instructor for MASTER SHAEFER at his SAN MARCOS SCHOOL and i just opened up my school in LULING. i am a second degree black belt disciple who has been assisting MASTER SHAEFER for over two years.
I am originally from Louisville. i have lived here in texas most of my life but i still get up there to seminars and tournaments, and my father lives in louisville. i like your perspectives on the subject at hand. i hold those views myself. oh and my name is Jason. ginsuedog has some intelligent points to make sometimes
but i feel like he talks before he thinks. this original subject was about the value of forms and katas. i still maintain that the forms make you a fighter, and i am quoting directly from Master Mullins on this. and from my own experience. GINSUEDOG;where do you reside? and what style of MA do you study? does your school do many forms or none at all? from your reply to my last posts on the subject i would conclude that you do not do forms and if you do, you do not feel that they are important in your fighting. that test still stands in my last post and if you are in the texas area then i invite you to my school in LULING for an exchange of ideas and to spar,,,let me know and i will make good on my test, i will train only in forms and that is all and you train however you see fit and then lets spar and see who is right and who needs ice. you can bring the ice. respectfully ,,,JASON