Apparently there is a little confusion going on, so I’d like to take a moment and clear something up for everyone. Shuai Chiao is a Chinese martial art. Yes, I know it can be hard to believe. We don’t develop Chi, we’re not deadly to be in the ring, and we generally agree more with NHB and San Shou crowd than Kung Fu crowd, but we are a Chinese martial art. In fact, Shuai Chiao is a TRADITIONAL Chinese martial art.

Shuai Chiao may even be the oldest of the Chinese martial arts. We can trace our art back a good 2000 years. No, we weren’t created by an immortal Taoist monk, just a bunch of crazy Chinese guys that like to throw each other on their head, but we do have the woodcuts and records to back up our claim. We have probably influenced your art to some extent. If you have either Shuai or Na in your art, there’s a good chance it came from some form of Shuai Chiao.

Are you with me so far? Good, because it gets really confusing now. A lot of times you will see other, non-Chinese arts discussed on Shuai Chiao threads. There is a good reason for this and it shouldn’t scare you away. You see, in Shuai Chiao, we have this crazy idea that martial arts are supposed to be for fighting. Because of this, we look at other arts that actually fight (San Shou, Muay Thai, Judo, BJJ, etc) and try to figure out how to beat them. This actually shouldn’t be tooo much of a shock though, as over half the threads around here are about BJJ ( a non-Chinese martial art)

In conclusion, Shuai Chiao is a Chinese Martial art, a form of Kung Fu and not an Other Related Art. I hope this clears up any confusion for our esteemed posters and moderators.