Hey folks,

Just watched the first video in Alan Orr's (Robert Chu's UK student) new video series. I was very impressed. Unlike most WCK videos I've seen, there were no forms demos, no endless repetitions of solo drills. Alan got right to the meat. He began demonstrating the body structure for the stance (they use a 50/50 approach, and for those unfamiliar with that method or who don't understand how its used (that means people who disagree with it on the surface) this tape shows the concept quite well).

Alan has a background in both boxing and wrestling, and part of the tape tries to explain WCK against modern MMA, where Alan talks about weaknesses in a boxers and wrestlers, and the mix of the two, approach outside the confines of their sports -- how boxing leaves holes for wrestling and vice versa. Alan then shows how their WCK structure takes advantage of those holes while tying to minimize presenting any of their own. This is boiled down to expressing and receiving force in a stable manner.

Alan also operated outside of lineage and tries to demonstrate why he does what he does, not just 'do it because I said so'. He doesn't argue weighting or Tan Sao height, but explains what he wants to accomplish in a fight, then shows the optimal method he uses to accomplish it.

Alan then goes on to show how they receive and issue force (storing in the joints and bends), and then how they link and delink structure to manipulate the opponent's body with that force (touching on the body-body, hand-body, body-hand, hand-hand methods).

This is a series focuses on sparring, and while I haven't watched the rest yet, there is a lot of sparring footage in the intro and end clips, inclusing bare hand, mma gloves, boxing gloved and head gear, and self-defense simulation. It's done fast and with power. Those unfamiliar with their approach might get thrown by the clip in the beginning, but by the end of the tape (and hopefully more by the end of the series), it should be understandable, even if some disagree in the overall approach.

When I finish the, I'll post a detailed review of the good, bad, and ugly on wingchunkuen.com

In the meantime, more information on the series can be found at http://www.alanorr.com/htdocs/produc...oductlist.html