I hope that this time I can get some responses . . . so I will ask my question as well as I can so as to not have this post disappear again. Some of you may have seen this in the KHT forum, but I would like Mantis practicioners to comment if they have any knowledge on this. I have recently started a cardio-weight training program called Body for Life. It includes diet, but that is not relevant. What I would like to know is whether any other Mantis practicioners have tried this and whether or not it hindered thier training, or enhanced their power/endurance.

I train with weights three days a week, and train cardio three days a week. The training is more of a bodybuilding method, and am wondering if this will keep me from performing forms well, or training the wrong muscles to do the wrong thing. My strength and endurance are improved about 5% in just the last week, so it is effective, but will it harm my Mantis growht?

I hope the question is presented well enough. If I've beaten a dead horse I'm sorry, I just don't want this thread to disappear again, only to have me be told that this has nothing to do with Mantis and that it does not belong here.

BTL I know that you do your best, and that your job is not easy, but I explained in my message to you what I was asking here and you still say that it has nothing to do with Mantis and does not belong here. Read my message again. When asking two different audiences the same question the meaning changes. It is not the question that is important it is the meaning to the audience. Had I been able to explain my question a bit more our time would not have been wasted. I take a bit of offense that you totally disregard what I had to say and insisted that this was not related to Mantis even after I explained myself to you.
