I posted a message entitled "Fight Scene" a while back, but when next time I looked it had disappeared. Normally I get emails if someone replies, but I think something went wrong this time.

Anyway, here it is again. Any input would be gratefully received...

I'm writng a scene where someone hits someone over the head with a beer-bottle. I would guess most of the time it doesn't break, but sometimes it does. I would imagine that if someone really had a
bottle broken over his or her head, it'd be dangerous and disfiguring...
although I don't know. What does happen "in real life"? Does the person holding the bottle get a hand cut to ribbons? How could you avoid this if you were to use a beer-bottle as a weapon?

And can a normal person really punch through the side window of a car?
Aren't they made of that special stuff with a layer of plastic in between so
it fractures but won't shatter? Can you even kick through? I know some
people can kick bloody hard, but it's a question of penetrating the window,
not breaking it. I don't imagine it'd be like roofing tiles, which are very
brittle. I know windscreens are practically invulnerable, but I think car windows are different.

And I don't mean "the ultimate warrior", I mean someone about my weight (95 kgs, maybe 200 pounds?) with a few years of something like Tae Kwon Do and who is very angry.

I'd be really grateful for some 'no bull****" help here. Since it didn't work last time, I can be emailed at

If I get this published, I'll cite you all.


Shame on the soul that falters on the road of life while the body still endures

[This message was edited by Brendan Carson on 10-02-00 at 03:07 AM.]