I'm sure that similar threads existed allready- and I don't know if any doctors or other physiotherapists are here on board, but I'd really like to hear your medical point of view about iron palm training. When I began with physiotherapy nearly the first dictum I learned was: debit forms the bone. So in other words : intensive strengthening of the quadriceps for example over a long period of time has the effect that the tuberositas tibiae ( insertion-place of the muscle or better of it's tendon at the skin-bone) will be more distinctive.
Also: if you always hit your arms against a wooden dummy, for example, your bones will build out a thicker bone-skin( forgive me, I'm german, but I hope it's called like this in english; also don't want to use too much technical terminology so that laymen can follow up, too..)
But: What about the haematomes and microtraumata that arouse by that each time I do iron-palm training- in the long-time run? Seen from a western perspective physicians would say: this can't be healthy at all and is totally crazy. I'd like to hear some different points of views about that..?