Originally posted by MaFuYee
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someone said, 'why didn't wd use tai chi?'...

i think that's not exactly a correct assumption.

tai chi certainly uses jabs, hook punches, and knees... (single whip, hit tiger, golden rooster)

i wish ppl would get it out of their heads that tai chi is just about pushing ppl.

i credit that general misconception to cmc, and others.

... how can an art lack those simple basic techniques?
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I wish some people would understand that I have shown Crippled Avenger, who is a boxer and a Muay Thai guy how Taij is used in gloved boxing situation. How you can yield and hook, come over the top with a cross, jab, knee, etc.

I wish ppl would get it out of their head that they are not the only people who train the "real deal" and all those secrets they have, really aren't secrets at all.