Bottom line is I agreed with what he said, doesn't matter how wrong I am and whether or not I agreed with you earlier (I thought you had some good points). At that time I didnt want to speak on the things Paul later brought up (gates, pressure points etc) but when he wrote them I agreed with them and wanted to let him know. He is a respected Tanglang practitioner and I can understand his perspective on the matter from a 'Tanglang' POV.

I'm no two-faced, talking out of both sides of my mouth idiot.
I didnt want to get into an argument with you about BJJ vs Tanglang as you are obviously very confident in your art (which is good and will ensure you fight well using your chosen system).
I didn't want to talk around in endless circles with the 'my style is better than your style' thing. I am as tired of one sided bull**** as you are and am far more interested in hearing other peoples well informed thoughts (including yours), than wasting my time typing **** like this.

I dont know why you chose to paint me as some little clown especially after I treated your opinions with respect (being that they are obviously the product of a lot of fighting experience).

For the record, I practiced judo for 6 years and freestyle and olympic wrestling for 2 years, along with a lot of chinese wrestling and some jiu jitsu and have also spent hours rolling around the ground with marchado and gracie jiujitsu practitioners who have trained extensively in Brazil. I am not a starry eyed brainwashed kungfu addict who has no idea about the 'real world' of ground fighting.

Personally I prefer not to go to ground and I believe there are other methods that work for me.