This fight will not prove the superiority of either approach, it will just prove the fighting ability of two people. Actually, it might not even prove that, as anyone can get caught on a bad day. I feel that it is a shame that two grown men feel that they need to fight each other to make themselves feel better. What makes it even worse is that they are both sifus, one of which is pretty well-known, both of whom have students who view them as role models. All this because they dislike each others training methods. What a shame. If sifu ross really does disapprove of traditional kung fu methods, then why does his site still claim that they teach tibetan and indian martial arts at his school? At any rate, I like both of these guys. I feel they have given both myself and others on here very good insight on various martial arts topics. I am just very saddened that they let things get under their skins so bad that they are so easily ready to resort to violence to solve their problems. I hope they see the error of their ways before one or both of them gets injured, in legal trouble, or both. I pray for you two. If you are not religious, that's cool, too. Peace.