Hello, I have this cool situation, I am starting to practice WC while my friend does kickboxing for about two months now. I told him WC was so much better then the **** he did, but he still wants to do kickboxing. And the thing is every wednesday we do some friendly fighting, now when we only use our fists I am pretty much able to see what he will do by just watching his shoulders. But when he kicks me I can see it coming but don't know how to block it exactly. It sais that you should block a kick at the origin so ASAP. But how should you block it if he just launched the kick ? In kickboxing they just wait for the kick to arrive and block it with their own legs (the "boney" part bellow the knee, don't know what it's called in english). But that hurts like hell sometimes and I know that that is not the way you are supposed to block effectively since the kick reaches it's full power. But how should I block it then ? Should I kick him on the leg when it starts, should I kick him with my knee, foot, the bottom of my foot, when exactly etc...

I hope you'll help me out :D

You practice Wing Chun ? COntact me on my icq ! 71470721(my name there is "vision")