TWS, you are falling into the same politically correct deconstruction of thought that is undermining Wesern thought.
How so? Because i no longer want to engage in immature bashing of styles and systems based on someone's "perception" of what they "think" they should really truely be? i fail to see your reasoning with this quote.

By claiming that ALL positions are acceptable, at what point can you claim anything to be true, or at least valid?
i dont claim anything monkey slap. As far as truth goes monkey slap, in anything that you do in life i would think that being true to thine ownself is what makes the truth valid FOR yourself, and screw what anyone else thinks

Let's face it, if you are making a claim, you should have some evidence to back it up. If you claim to be a fighter, fight. If you claim to be a great coach - show your students abilities.
I know what this quote is about and i said that i would NOT discuss that again. and i still wont.
i dont claim to be a fighter,,,,,,but i can fight.
i dont claim to be a great coach,,,,,,,but i have coached and helped alot of people when i was coaching/teaching, and not by my own admission. it was by thiers.

Martial Arts are martial by nature. Without fighting skill, you are a performance artist. With martial skill being the deviding point of what is 'real' and what is not 'real' - it is inevitable that a fight becomes the way to prove the point. If you claim to be a great painter - show us your paintings.
i disagree with the inevitability that a "fight" becomes the way to prove the point. do you know the story of the "Ronin and the Tea Master"? it is an old japanese story lesson that essentially says that one need not go through the motions to Fight to prove a point or to establish "Your" version of what is real and what is "not". it is a good story,,check it out(or i will post it on another thread real soon.)

As for the rest of your postings monkey slap,,,very intelligent very well written and very, in my opinion, wayyyy off the track of what i am trying to say here with respect to my first post in this thread. Here is a zen saying i came up with that i have shared with others and it writes like this.
"The Monkey Chatters,,,the Tiger lies in wait,,,The Sage drinks his wine and Humbly walks down the path".
i believe i have been all three of these characters. but i am still learning humility. are you?

Many Respects,,,The Willow Sword.