
OK. Got it to work. It wouldn't work in Mozilla under Linux, Mozilla under Windows, but it works under IE6 under Windows.

Very interesting. Both clips are the same, so I don't know why they have the two links. The 1st jump looks like there is a bit of compression of his stomach (the hitting the rubber tyre analogy that is mentioned often?). The 2nd and 3rd jumps (esp the 3rd) there seems to be no compression of the stomach. Which leads me to conclude that he is flexing his abdominal muscle very hard. Wish I had a stomach like that . Anyway, if it's not giving away any secrets, what exactly does your nei gung consist of? I know of a few exercises that I've been taught which I suspect come from xing yi, but I'm a long way off learning XY formally so I don't know if they're part of the curriculum. Also, when someone jumps on your stomach, how much do you flex it? Surely you can't have it relaxed - I would have thought maximum tension.