
Hi Bill.. Your analogy of "ice, water, steam" is appropriate, my intent was to point to the physical apparatus of that "transmutation".. i recommend a site that has much good info on these issues.. look under the topic 'transmutation".. There exists a physical path in the semen retention that must be understood in order for the QiGong to be effective.. Mantak Chia has some good info, too.. but, you have to weed out the "new-age" hype to get at the good stuff.. As i understand it, the millions of "sparks of life" contained in the semen are released through transmutation and guided to enhance our Qi through discipline (QiGong)..

As for Karma (consequence) you are on the money, once set in motion it no longer needs our attention.. we are better served "in the moment" than in the past.. our greatest distractions are past and future, dwelling on those, we miss the only moment we actually exist, Now.. He77, is a concept derived from ritualistic cultural misinterpretations of Yin/Yang, a control mechanism which Pavlov would understand..

Happy New Year, and may you succeed at all your endeavors..