Empty Cup said"Yeah I think he has a student called a loong or something who teaches most of the classes and Ho overlooks it. I believe he is quite advanced in age and has diabetes...
Like I said, I didn't personally have a negative encounter with the man himself but my friends did. I didn't like what I heard but that's based on second-hand information. A couple people I know learn from him as well and I'm told by my sifu that Ho is not bad at all in Wing Chun."
Cuu Lung is quite good actually. In the public classes Ho much like Yip man just supervises someone else leading the class. Ho indeed is a senior and is semi-retired and picks and chooses
his wing chun activities. As far as for the comment by your sifu(who is he?) that Master Ho is
"not bad"... as far as the comment applying to Ho's knowledge of wing chun that is quite an understatement.