Hi all

I just had my first class of Wing Chun lessons last night. Man, I thought I was in good shape but this morning I ache all over! :eek:
The first bit of class was harrowing because my partner didn't know that it was my first class so I was learning on the fly.He was actually one of the junior instructor-trainees and took me under his "wing" ;)
My first class happened to be "fit-test" class, so i got a real work out. After it was all over they took me to the side and started showing me the basics.
Wow! My head is swimming but it sure was a lot of fun. The instructors are very nice and there is a lot of camaradarie among the students. It looks like it is going to be quite enjoyable.
However,my right shoulder is quite sore. I suppose it is from the punching. Anyone have any tips on how to prevent this? Or is it just going to take time to get used to it?

"...ever-y-body Wing-chun to-nite!..." :D

Little Dragon