This is an interesting issue, doing it pretty much on police.

The interview with Master King Li Yen was nice, and a good touch to start off the issue. Too bad it did not show any techniques being applied however of Baijiquan.

The picture of Margie on page 23 hitting that one guy (Who is that dude anyway) with the action bat was nice.

To Protect and to Serve was...different. It was not what I was expecting at first. I liked the article itself, discussing how it works, how cops have to apply it, etc. I didn't like the rope techniques though. because it raises a few questions. 1.) You have both your hands (no pun intended) tied with the rope, making it difficult to block an attack if the rope does not work and 2.) Wouldn't it be difficult to catch fast punches with it? It looks fancy and interesting, but I think it looks difficult to pull off.

Is that the Incredible Hulk on page 29? Printing error

Baguazhang Law Enforcement by Dr Painter. Believe it or not, the day this issue arrived, I stood in my bathroom combing my hair and brushing my teeth and thought to myself "I wonder when Dr Painter will write another KF/TC article". I know he gets alot of crap online from Internet Warriors, and while the man DOES live a mile from me, I've never spoken to him (ran into him once eating dinner somewhere but did not comment cause that would be rude). I thought the opening story was pretty dumb, even if it was true. I found it a little far fetched that a man who is holding a shot gun, who wants to die, and wants the cop to help him would just drop it because the cop stepped out of his line of fire. It seems pretty cool though how the training works for the gun firing like that of the sword, but holding a sword and shooting a gun are a little different. The gun disarm on page 42-43 also seems a little out of place. I understand that IF you were a cop, and if a guy held a gun to you, pretty much he will shoot you or not shoot you, you can't give him your wallet and make him go away, and so that might be reasonable to try that technique. But given the distance between the attacker and defender at the start, if I had a guy pull a gun, I'd just give him my wallet.

Xingyi Bayonet, did not read it, I might not. I should though.

Baton Retention Techniques, my only question is why does that guy keep smiling?

The Ngo Cho Kune article seems pretty nice as well. I liked seeing what many say are "karate only" type weapons not found in CMA arts being used in CMA.

No comment on the Tonfa's Chinese Grandpa article.

The Wing Chun article, I just found, I totally missed it. I'll read it later.

The concept of the issue seems great, showing how police forces apply martial techniques, and the writing was nicely done in most cases, but the pictures of techniques seemed out of place. More to come.