I saw this on another board. I haven't tried it, but I thought some people here might be interested in it.

Siff posted this on the supertraining board several years ago, you can find it in the archives. I thought I would share it with you guys who are fed up with the BS products that we are given by the supplement industry.

1 jar (16oz) natural peanut butter
1 container honey (12oz)
Protein powder of your chosing, chocolate seems to work better.

I start by adding the PB to a large pot/dish and then pour in the honey, then thoroughly stir til blended, then I add the protein powder.

The amount of protein powder you add will vary depending on the size of the scoop you have, you will know you have added enough protein powder when after mixing, you have a product that is relatively dry to touch, if it is moist or sticky, add more protein powder.

The original recipe by Siff was to add blended oatmeal to the original ingredients, I do not because it limits the amount of protein I can add.

Other options are to add chocolate chips, sunflower seeds, MCT oil, almonds, fingernails or any other combination you can think of.

I once figured out the macronutrients in this, but have since lost it, but it is very high in calories that much I remember. I also figured that it costs about 8cents per 100g bar, give or take a few.

No need to bake, but you do need to refrigerate them.