Hey everyone,

Lately ive really been working my butt off to compile a system of combat based techniques, drills, etc, to make the internal arts (bagua, xingyi, tai chi) into a self-defense no-nonsense format.

Ive been fortunate to find some of the very best in the world to learn from and consult. My quest is by no means over, but in the meantime I want to get this information out, as it is not widely available, especially in this context.

Visit my new site www.flowingcombat.com for more info, and let me know what you think of the site, quite an amount of hard work went into the design, and im just starting to fill in the content. There is a video demo, but more will follow shortly, ill try and make them as "real-time" as possible in the future. It should also be noted the actual DVD does have better lighting and no cheezy lightning effects! I got carried away with my new program!

I suppose a good question to the forum is this, how many people do you know of that teach the internal arts for combat only? I have only found a short list, and would like to hear about more if they are out there, so that I may learn from their experience!
