Hey, I'm leaving, line up and let Gene know all your very best reasons as to why you should be moderator of the Main Kungfu forum.

I haven't got the time to deal with this anymore, so in all fairness, one of you who does have the time should dedicate yourself to the task.

Renegade Monk truly is renegade lol, Haven't seen him in ages, but then he is a pentagon guy and it's likely that he is too busy himself to be playing with us.

Here's a couple of tips on moderation of the forum:

1. Take stuff with a grain of salt
2. Don't rub that salt in the open wounds

Focus on deleting messages of hate and links to pornography but for the most part let the monkeys play

K, start the line up now and don't bug Gene unless you are really serious about doing a decent job as a mod here. If you mess up you will be booted from the position as we saw in the TCM forum not so long ago.

May the best man or woman win! Good luck and I'll see you here once in a while.

Cheers, -o\_
KL a.k.a Dave J