Okay...here we go again...but this time - no answering what doesn't have to be answered:

A) Since you offer no evidence why the downward elbow can be stopped other than to say it's impossible to do...I just simply rest my case again...

B) He got the single (somewhat) - but was jammed and his head was being forced down by Cheung's right palm...tried to turn to his left while attempting to lift the leg (and remember - by now he was starting to get hit in a vulnerable place)...picked it up off the floor just slightly as he tried to turn to his left...only managed to push Cheung back slightly and into the wall that was about two feet to Cheung's left...Why did it go in that direction?...Cheung was giving counter force to Mike's left turn with his left leg/foot - while pushing Mike's head in that direction with his right and chopping down on the back of Mike's had with his left hand ridge...

C) Now...about the brainwashing thing...Do I have to really?!..Oh well...

I'm around the man literally 20 years...Mike has been around me and Wm Cheung since 1989...We have both SEEN him NOT be fooled time and time again...and we have learned to a significant extent how not to be fooled also...by feints, distractions, etc...Is it perfect? NO...Is it the best radar system I've ever seen...Without a doubt...Is Cheug REALLY AMAZING at it - oh yeah...he (we) can do it against very fast feints and movements that precede fast jabs and hooks.(and succeed in stopping the punches or deflecting them by watching and attacking the elbow of the punching hand) - countless times...much harder to see than someone trying to disguise an entire shift of level to go for a takedown...that's no bull...I've READ both situations successfully time and again...

So now once again I'm going to ask you...Steve Ewing? Dale? Post the video of your fight so we can see what you know?...Instead of changing the subject...Okay?