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Thread: FALUN GONG/Falun Dafa

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  1. #11
    I don't think there is any agenda in falun gong. I don't blindly follow what anyone says, and I make my own decisions as anyone should, but I am not at all worried about the falun gong senior citizens in my town going weird, that's ridiculous. No practitioners commited suicide today in my town. Remember there is no organizational structure and falun gong is not for money. I fit is against your beleive then that is fine and your choice, I can only recommend a reevaluation of beleifs, but that's all I can say. I am always questioning myself when comes to not only qigongs, but also matial ats fighting styles effectiveness, because I can't do every martial art or every qigong.

    Also , the practice of all qigong is to bring energy to the higher centers, and even the crown. But , the crown development is sometimes subtle; you are not aleays aware of crown development. I cannot say for sure there are other styles with falun, but I seem to remember seeind a diagram of the chakras somewhere and one was a falun, maybe not. Beleive me, in the invokation of the masters meditation in qinway, the masters energy body sits on your crown, it is the same as far as I can tell. Li hongzhi's definition of enlightenment conforms to some of the other sites I linkrd.

    I can only say that I beleive that traditionally qigong was practiced for enlightenment, so Li Hongzhi's teachings just convince me more that falun dafa is for real. There are other lower or more intermediate ( or even maybe advanced) styles which are also good for health.
    Last edited by backbreaker; 03-25-2004 at 10:14 AM.

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