I was just checking out the latst issue of kfm (yay..I found one)
and there was an article in there by Craig Reid about 10 things you kight not know about qi...

no.4 says "don't practice in front of a mirror. The traditoional reason is that when your eyes see yourself, the qi will be sucked out of your body".....etc etc

but I was reading a book of koans a while back and it was describing a mirror qigong practice that nuns used to do going way back....and

no.1 re smoking etc...didn't we already aruge a while back that folks used to use tobbacco and other smokables in their meditative practices???

and I'm not sure his bloated stomach theory is valid either...look at xing hao and the wheel of life boys etc etc....maybe it's just with the older practioners...

hey...look at Gene

anyway..does this guy know what he's talking about or what???