
I'm certain that even if bin laden didn't say this, teh neo con puppet masters of the shrub would make it up.

have you read "an end to evil" yet by Frum and Perle?

THat has to be the largest compilation of completely unsubstantiated garbage yet.

I am happy they wrote it because it exposes them for the vicious and predatory liars and scumbags that they really are in the current whitehouse.

I am confused mostly about how this idiot George Bush has managed to completely divide his country, start a new vietnam for himself, outsource 20,000 mercs in Iraq, virtually give up in Afghanistan and let the Taliban reroot and teh heroin trade to regrow again, and the list of bas goes on and on and on.

And then, He has the nerve to back Sharon on a unilateral scr.ew over of the palestinians while he totally renegs on his so called "road map for peace" which was crappy anyway, but at least it was giving some consideration to a palestinian free state which is pretty much the only thing that is gonna bring peace to the region.

Anyone who thinks that what is being done in teh middle east is "righteous" on behalf of bushes decisions, needs to examine their morality.

they have still failed to answer the question "why did 911 happen"

shutting up does nothing about it.

Bush should be impeached, Blair should be voted out, Iraq should be handed back to Iraq, and relations both in trade and diplomacy should be normalized and teh Israelis need to have their leash yanked before they start making more land grabs with the threat of nuclear strikes or total military support from the last super power on earth.

As well, teh rest of the planet should demand of all nuclear nations to cease and desist in teh production of such weapons and these same nations should start destroying all stockpiles of wmds as of yesterday.

By the way, The USA is the largest holder of weaponized biochem weapons on earth, nuclear weapons on earth and basically illegal weapons under pretty much every treaty and convention ever.

This makes them Hypocritical in their "war on terror" and they are just sellilng america out to the highest bidder at a cost to the american taxpayer.

Impeach Bush Now!
