wing chun is a very linear system, that likes to get in close and pumble the opponent. They like to trap and utilize straight punches combined with low leg front kicks.

muy thai is both a linear and circlular system. They have a long thrusting front kick, and wide powerfull roundhouse kicks. In close they like to clinch and throw knees and elbows.

Of course im being very general here, but im sure everyone knows what i am talking about. Anyway, i do not think there have been any nhb matches to compare the systems (even though they do not prove anything anyway ;) ). So what do you guys think. I personally believe that it is the fighter and not the style, but style is of course important. No rules, anything goes, both fighters are "masters" of their systems. Which style has the upper hand??

I have to give it to the muy thai stylist. Wing Chun seems a little limited imho. A muy thai fighter would probably be more well rounded, and better conditioned.

For years, religion did nothing but divide. (killa priest)

Religion is like a prison for the seekers of wisdom. (killa priest)