I was this close to going out with some chick from Louisville, Kentucky, for one of them 6-9 month relationships. Shaolin-Do'ers can relax, her last name wasn't "The". Instead I got a blow job in "Greektown," off Halsted. Close enough to Union Station, but away from the hustle-bustle of downtown proper. Easy get-away, not too many witnesses.

I'm going back Monday. I would have been unlaid for 3 months. No manual relief, either, since I got fed up and left my last position on my own. I'm a hot lava developer. Meat market here sucks (both ways). But I will give her a payraise and work on newer technology (I hear there are excellent advancements in foot massagers), and be out of the bullsh!t barhopping scene. That was my goal.

It's a startup chick to give me rapidly growing confidence.