so whats up

more dead people
we are, what... 18-22 years old basicly
and all dying right now

this buddy from uni has been involved in a car accident
him and more 2 dudes from uni i dont know much - i hope so, cos one of them maybe was another dude i knew, from the name could be him or some other guy.

one of them is dead
the other got his face "teared open" (as one of chicks described it to us) and will have to get plastic surgery on the face
the guy i knew the most (does/did bunch of classes with me) was very inteligent and very good cool dude, 18, partying a lot since a few years before he got into uni even - got some broken bones, stopped breathing for a while - was about to get x-rays and more exams to see if there was something wrong with his chest/back. i still have no info if he could or not move his legs and his toes...

they were all drunk in the car, aparently after a party, dunno wich of em was driving.

this was the night before we had this anatomy II class in the morning - a bunch of people was going to skip this cos basicly it was gonna be presentation of some papers people had done whatever.
knowing he was gonna skip class in the morning anyway - he went out the night before.