Today I was ready to kick some "grass" even though the day hit 95 out and all those partaking in the upcoming tournament get to go outside and practice in the black parking lot. I have realllllllllllly been working on my yees. I sometimes forget to do them. By the end of the day I still thought my yees sounded more like an angry housewife pelting her husband with a vacuum cleaner for not taking out the garbage. But at least they were louder.


I felt something I rarely feel, though I think I ought to feel more often. Perhaps this was the third or fourth time since joining the Wah Lum family, only before it came from an utter determination not to fall over when we were totally being grinded up in practice. Even though my yees didn't properly express it, I felt a build up right above my eyes, perhaps back a bit. Maybe it made me squint but whatever it was, my vision got a bit blurry. It was like when that girl you hate steals your boyfriend, only minus the incredible heat in the back of your head. If I could see my eyes, I'd picture them ultra atomic Godzilla green (as oppose to just normal atomic green), and somehow sweating. One of the sihings came by and said I never looked angrier. But it wasn't an anger, it was like a focus. Could this be foa gie?

I feel like Jack Skeleton: what is this? What is this?

On a completely random side note, is anyone else on here on Live Journal? My user name's "nymphie" if you'd like to stop by sometime and say hello.