
many years ago i brought the book via mail order on dragon fan and fundamental fist form. At the time i was disappointed that no applications of the fan was shown even though it was said the book contain "applications of the fan form" ...

now recently i have seen the other books in the series one of staff and one of spear .. they are in the same format and what struck me is that both books have the applications of the form on a SEPERATE and LOOSE fold out page. This has made me think thank unfortunately the book i got on fan's application pages were lost / not inserted in the first place...

So im kindly ask:

1. can anyone confirm that there IS application pages.

2. could some one kindly scan and email me the 4 pages which it would be.

if they are similar format to the staff and spear book they arent exactly comprehensive etc but i would like to see.

thank you for your consideration
