At that point I say you get to go to jail until you prove otherwise, because your dumb ass refused to show ID.--R5A


no, what I'm trying to point out is that we tend to view things through our own colored glasses--R5A


Red is generalizing that most cops are OK and don't abuse power.

He actually believes it is OK to be thrown in jail for refusing to show ID, for whatever reason. Another generalization is that you are stupid or have something to hide, if you don't show ID (So now the State decides stupidity gets you locked up?). What about innocent until proven guilty? Where do you think the framers of the Constitution would stand on the issue of being required to show ID to the state or being locked up for refusing?

MLK said that peaceful/non-violent protest shows the highest repsect for law. So, if I protest having to show my ID to an LEO who is abusing the fact that they have a badge and gun, I should go to jail according to Red. I could be minding my own business, you know in the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness, and Johnny Law decides to mess with me because he can. This doesn't sound like the America I remember. Like Rayfield said, your rights to privacy disappear one by one...