First of all, UFC is not REAL fighting, its more of a sport. All traditional martial arts(or almost all) were developed for maiming or killing an opponent, so wether u like it or not the mayority of their techniques ARE prohibited in this type of competition.

If a person can't use the principles of their art without using "lethal" techniques, I question their training. A grappler can take you down, mount you and eye gouge you, or fish hook you from a rear mount, etc. but can also operate outside of that environment.

the majority of tma techniques are NOT limited, only a small handfull of them.

Their sole aim is to try to disable an opponent as fast as you can because they were developed in times were war was common and were society wasn't bound by any laws so you had to practice this techniques to defend your life even if it meant taking the one of another person.

1. any MA in a fight wants to take you out ASAP

2. most martial arts were NOT designed for use in wars and battles. they were village styles, family styles, etc. used for protection.

An other point,in traditional martial arts(at least kung fu) they don't teach you to trade blows with ones opponents until one drops, they teach you to block and dodge until you see an opening, then hit or grab or pull one of the opponents vital points to take him down so in matches of boxing and kickboxing alike they are also limited, not only because alot of the techniques are prohinited because they may MAIM or KILL, but because they also were gloves and this limits the practitioner not only to normal punches(no other punches like phoenix eye, no other hand attack like the palm, and no grabs and hold) but it also reduces the ability to knockdown an opponent with little blows to weak parts(as trained in traditional martial arts) because the gloves reduce the impact. So traditional martial arts may not do well in those competition but in real fighting, where everything counts, Traditional martial arts are very effective.

strikes like the phoenix eye are not prohibited in MMA and you can do them with mma gloves on. the gloves allow for hand dexterity, and you can grab, lock, phoenix eye, etc.

I'm not saying that MMA don't work on the street(because they also really work on the streets) but only resalting that TMA fair better on the streets than in a ring or a competition.

Sorry to bother you about this old topic but, I strongly disagree with somethings here.

The first point: Maybe its true that alot aren't lethal techniques but alot of them that aren't lethal techniques are directed to tplaces wthat the UFC prohibits, like hits or grabs to the throat, the back of the neck. elbows to the ribs, grabs or hits or kicks to the groin,joint breaking grab and hits,etc.
Let me give you an example: in my kung fu school one of the first thing they teach you are 18 shaolin basic self defense techiniques:
1. a block followed by a punch to the chest
2.a block to a high a attck followed by a grab-and pull motion wher you are supposed to drill your elbow to the persons' ribs while at the same time pullin his arm to the opposite direction.
3.a simultaneoushigh block and counter with a punch to the nose
4. a techniqeu where you lean back to let a kick pass and the strike with a hammer fist o the opponents groin.
5.A feint punch followed by a counter to the block and the a punch to the ribs.
6. a a counter to a punch thrown from behind and the followed by a swinging punch to the back of the neck.
7. An intercepting grab to an opponents oncoming swinginpunch and simutaneously striking the opponents ribs with the elbow.
8. A simultaneous double block one from a punch coming from
the top and an other for a kick to the gorin the... the second block is also intende to breack the opponents ankle since its a knife hand strike also(not just a block).
9.A block to an incoming double grab to the neck folllowed by a hooking of his ankle with yours and then an upward "push" with your palms to his hips.
10. hook block to a straight punched followed by a sweep.
11. A swingingblock to a low kick followed by a sweep to the ankle(using the momentum of the swingingblock.
12. an instep kick to the gorin leaning back to avoid getting hit by a punch.
13. a feint kick to the groins followed by a kick to the head.
14. a eagle claw block from a straight punch simultaneously grabbing te opponent by the troat with another eagle claw.
15. a grabbing block to apunch followed by a break of the arm
16.A counter to a grab of the wrist by trapping the opponents wrist and twisting.
17. A counter to a garb of the wrist by traping the opponents wrist and breaking hi s elbow with your elbow
18. counter to a grab of the shoulder by twisting the opponents wrist breaking the elbo with your elbow the punching the opponents face.

Now if you see not many of this basic techniques are legal in the UFC.

2nd point:
Maybe some of the arts where created by Families, like the southern styles but, just take Eagle Claw for example: Yue Fei invented that style along with Hsing I to train his troops to fight aginst the invasion from the north. The same thing with okinawan karate: the fisherman developed it because the invaders took away their weapons and eachh day the need of unarmed fighting skill bacame more nesesary.

3rd point:
An other point,in traditional martial arts(at least kung fu) they don't teach you to trade blows with ones opponents until one drops, they teach you to block and dodge until you see an opening, then hit or grab or pull one of the opponents vital points to take him down so in matches of boxing and kickboxing alike they are also limited, not only because alot of the techniques are prohinited because they may MAIM or KILL, but because they also were gloves and this limits the practitioner not only to normal punches(no other punches like phoenix eye, no other hand attack like the palm, and no grabs and hold) but it also reduces the ability to knockdown an opponent with little blows to weak parts(as trained in traditional martial arts) because the gloves reduce the impact. So traditional martial arts may not do well in those competition but in real fighting, where everything counts, Traditional martial arts are very effective.

Just re read this without paying attention to what I said about the hand forms in the gloves.

4th point

You just said nonsense . Please explain your points so I can understand better what you think...