yesterday I did the big escape from my crazy lying school in Zhengzhou, only an hour outside of shaolin si.........(.be very careful that often many things a school here will promise will not always be delivered, like wages and transport and food for instance.............don't always expect power and dont surprised if you wake up to no water)

anyway, to the point, last night took a train from zhengzhou to guangzhou ( 17 hrs in total) and because of language difficulties and seat availabilty, ended up crammed into a standing space no more than a rapidly declining 10 square inches for the duration.......

this was craziest thing you could imagine!! Just when you thought not another person could possibly sqqeeze in if we were on top of each other, another 20 people would arrive at the door........

I spent 5 hrs straight alternating from one tippy toe, to the other, then both.and the remainder was spent contorted in positions I didn't even know a body could acheive...............

it takes alot to rock me and I'm rarely caught off guard, but this was pure and utter insanity!!!!!!!...........first time my jaw has literally dropped in an extremely long time!!

crux is that now, besides having a severly bruised body, bloated stomache from all the bad air and lack of fluid in 37degree heat, etc ankles are so swollen that it's almost freakish..........I have fluid half way up my legs and rarely claim pain, but would say this definately qualifies...........

I can barely stand at the moment, and will no doubt recouperate in due time, but I want to know if someone can explain my injuries and give me tips to recover to cardio workout fitness any earlier than standard.

I'm thinking it's a fluid come tendon / soft tissue injury???.........

any suggestions would be great!!!!!

Please no drugs!!!.......

