Wing Chun Retirement Seminar with Grandmaster Ho Kam Ming

The Ottawa Wing Chun Academy is very proud to host the last seminar by Grandmaster, Ho Kam Ming. He will be sharing his 50 plus years of Wing Chun training. Grand Master Ho will be doing two retirement seminars, one in Canada and one in Tucson, Arizona, which will be hosted by Sifu, Augustine Fong. Grandmaster Ho will bring some current student’s to assist him, as well as an instructor visiting from Macau to also participate. If you ever had any questions about Wing Chun, here is your chance to be answered by an old time master of the style. If you are a serious Wing Chun practitioner, I highly recommend attending this seminar. You will never get another chance to attend a seminar with Ho Kam Ming. At a seminar in the late 80’s, Master Hawkins Cheung stated "Ho Kam Ming received all the best information. He will teach you the correct motions & theory. This is better than learning a lot of movements”
Date: Saturday, August 14th & Sunday, August 15th

Times: Sat 12:30-5:30, one hour lunch
Sun 11:00-4:00, one hour lunch

Location: Ottawa Wing Chun Academy, 858 Bank St, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Price: one day $70.00, two days $140.00 (Canadian funds). Please reserve yourself a spot as soon as possible, as space will be limited.

Regarding payment, you may see me in class or phone: 613-862-5459 or email:

I hope you get this wonderful opportunity to join us for these seminars, sincerely,

Patrick Gordon.

Short Bio of Grandmaster Ho
Ho Kam Ming devoted his life to the study and refinement of Wing Chun and was one of the few students to complete the entire system under Grandmaster Yip Man. He spent three and a half years learning the system from Yip Man, and then he helped Yip Man to instruct his classes for another three and a half years. It was during this time he learned the most advanced skills privately from Yip Man. During the seven years Sigung Ho was with Yip Man, he trained in the school everyday for at least four hours per day. Sigung Ho developed a very close personal relationship with his Sifu, whom revealed the finer points of Wing Chun to him and also appointed him to assume the responsibility of instructing his private students. By this time, Sigung Ho had already opened his first school in Macao and another in Hong Kong. Back in the 1960's and 70's, in addition to teaching Wing Chun for self-defense, Ho Kam Ming also trained professional fighters. His full contact Wing Chun teams fought in Martial Arts tournaments throughout Southeast Asia, achieving considerable recognition. In the late 1970's, Grandmaster Ho retired from teaching Wing Chun publicly in order to teach privately. Today, at the young age of 81, Sigung Ho has a small group of private students in Toronto, Canada, where he immigrated.