There is a lot of talk about, kung fu vs MMA.

But one would hope that if you had an unwanted encounter on the street, uni, college bar what ever, it would be with someone who was not trained in a MA due to the side effects like, dicipline, etc.

So does the ma training make a difference against an untrained person?

For instance, I am a relative beginner In the MAs. I used to do Tae Kwon Do when I was 12, did it for a year. and quit. I picked it up at about 16 and did it for about another year or two, the en part of that was with a quite a progressive TKD style, they encorperated quite a lot of grappling which I liked. I then found a wing chun school and got hooked, practiced for about a year and a half, but due to lack of students it closed. After that I couldn't go back to a TKD school, So then I just trained alone for about 2 years, just going over the stuff I had learned in a year, trying not to lose what I had gainned, then went to university, did aikido for a bit, but packed it in when i found a kung fu school which teaches wing chun, mantis and choy la fut. I have been going twice a week now for about ten months, I am loving it and progressing well due to my previous training.

Aside for the MA I do a lot of bodyweight training and some lifting, I am bout 5'11 and 12 stone and like to think I am quite fit.

So my point Is I like to think I would have the upper hand in a situation where I was faced with an untrained opponent about my wieght and height.

I have never been in a real fight before, and lets just say that the hypothetical opponent hasn't either,

would I have edge to win?


Any responces would be greatly appreciated,