looking up ....
but I expected a little more from you, GDA. No I don't know you, but based on your comments re: Brazilian child abuse I figured you were a little more conscious than the average joe.

GDA, you're wrong. Let's leave it at that as neither of us needs the aggravation. Let Willow stand up for himself and take responsibility for his comments. And good luck to you, I mean that. <- trying to show my sincerity.
you can disagree with me, but i don't think you got what i was saying.

basically i feel that whites, asians, blacks, and the rest of the us are not the same. we are different on many levels and there aint a **** thing wrong with that.

i also don't feel that there is anything wrong with friendly ribbing of all of our differences. there isn't a single race in the world that is special enough to be exempt from being made fun of. sure some jokes and comments wield hate by design, and there's no reason not to be offended by such things, but the line between humor and hate isn't exactly fine.

i have found that the people i know who will tell the best/worst itallian, asian, pollock, jewish, irish, and white jokes .... yet frown one someone tells a black joke, are the first to unconsciously lock their doors when a black guy walks past their car. same people who are quick to tell you exactly how many black friends they have. that's what i meant by closet racist, and frankly i find it ****ing ridiculous.

maybe your experiences have been different, but i haven't exactly been unicultured. my friends have ranged from white, black, mongolian, chinese, english, spanish, jewish, and i'm sure many more. i make fun of them all and they return the favor. it's no surprise to me that these guys and gals are always more comfortable around the likes of me than those mentioned above.

don't put hate where it's not man. you'll miss out on a couple true friends.