Man i gotta say that this movie really sucks bad,,i mean this is the icing on the cake of Sh!tty movies he has made.. this guy needs to go to directing school or something,,or at least get a creative process going with in him that actually WORKS on the movie screen. The Village is terrible,,the plot sucks and the atmosphere of the film and dialogue is so dumb that i had a hard time keeping a straight face throughout the whole film.

sixth sense was the only decent film he made,However,,when i saw the "making of" 6th sense and all those god d@amn references to the color red i got so aggravated that now i have shunned the film. Unbreakable was a major dissapointment and signs just was not that great at all,,,,,Add villiage to the list of dumb sh!t flicks by the rich east indian wannabe kubrick director.