
I used to train okinawan kempo, I don't know how different it is compared to the kenpo you are talking about, but here is what I know. Yes there are pressure point strikes. Every person is different and the pressure points will never be in the exact same spot on a person, only in the same area. A lot of them used joint locks to over/under expose certain areas or cause strain to make another area weaker. Which takes a high level of skill to apply on a fully resisting opponet. Don't know how relevant that is but thought I would share.


Seems to me you are a jack of all traits and master of none. One thing my sifu always told me is that you must stick with your one art, otherwise you lose sight of what you know. There are execptions like bruce lee, but he is an exception. Most people cannot bridge the gaps between arts like bruce did. Most just get confused and it makes their training counter-productive from what they used to train or will be training in the future.

Earlier you talked about studying wing chun, now you are back to dim mak. I don't doubt you want to be good at this, but it seems you are trying to run before you can crawl.