You know of at least three heavy swinging doors around your place of work, and you purposefully occupy your hands when approaching them so you can kick them open without breaking your step.

You constantly find yourself doing 90o directional changes - like when going to unlock your car door or holding doors open for people - and you always end up pigeontoed.

When you go to shake someone's hand, your thumb and forefinger somehow always end up snaking towards acupuncture points on their wrist.

When someone offers you a "high-five" you accidentally palm-heel their wrist.

When talking to someone, you stand single-weighted, ready to snap your foot into their shin. If they're double-weighted, you don't take anything they say seriously. If not and they shift their weight, you do too.

When waiting for the bus, you masguerade single palm change footwork as an impatient pacing back and forth.

You sleep with your hand under your pillow - in dragon or willowleaf palm.

When you were eight, you would instinctively give someone "thumbs-up" when raising your hand." When you were twelve, you kept accidentally giving people the finger. By fifteen, everytime you raised your hand it went right into the "hard rock fist." Now it goes right into fire palm.

If you go to shake someone's hand and somehow manage to control your impulse to go for the acupuncture points, your hand completely relaxes and turns palm up at first contact, slipping out of their grip. You're impressed with yourself.

Walking around school or work, you hollow your chest, drop your shoulders, spread your scapulae, lift your head, tuck your tailbone, raise your tongue, and breath through your nose.

If you're wearing gloves, you also go into dragon palm - because you think no one will notice.

You swear to god your spine was snoring last night.

Everytime your girlfriend goes to hug you you find yourself yanking her wrist one way while you slip around behind her.

You critisize your dog's form as he's circling to lie down.

But most of all: You keep finding circles made of 8 lines of duct tape under rugs and furniture all over your house and yard.